The Friday Feast ~ the 21st of October

The Friday Feast ~ the 21st of October

The Friday Feast ~ the 21st of October

The Friday Feast ~ the 21st of October
    The personal finance community is filled with so many talented writers and inspiring families in search of something better out of life than the traditional society-approved plan of buying lots of stuff and retiring in your 60s if you're lucky.

    Here is a look at the best of this week's personal finance blogs.

    In this episode of Friday Feast: Our Next Life, Stay At Home Yogi, Cait Flanders, Financial Samurai, Money Mozart, Wallet Hacks, Wise Bread, Done by Forty, Financially Alert, Make Smarter Decisions.


    Welcome to another Friday, and congrats for making it here. Now, onto the personal finance gems!

    First, Our Next Life published an awesome post by Jim Wang (the dude behind about the thing they don't tell you about early retirement.

    Next, what happens when your spouse isn't on board, financially? Stay At Home Yogi offers up some advice to bring your partner around.

    My favorite post of the week

    My favorite post this week comes from Cait Flanders who, like me, doesn't buy into using the term "minimalist".

    I wrote about being sensible, not minimal, in the past. Minimalism isn't about owning 100 things or less, or wearing the same outfit twice a week, or just having the bare minimum to get by.

    "More recently, [minimalism] has morphed and is now used to describe a person who lives with a minimal amount of stuff," Cait wrote. "Personally, I define minimalism as: the mindset that helps you recognize what adds value to your life, so you can let go of what doesn’t."

    It's about being sensible, not minimal. It's about understanding what "enough" means to you and sticking to your guns, even though relentless marketing, advertisements and distractions designed to part us with our money.

    More from the personal finance community

    Financial Samurai is teaching his daughter to look at a man's house, not his car.

    Chris from Money Mozart offers up 20 freelance writing resources for your side hustling dreams.

    Also, Wallet Hacks writes about why he will never be an angel investor again!

    Lastly, is American retirement changing? Wise Bread sure as hell things so.

    Honorable mentions: Done by Forty talks about class-based purchasing, Financially Alert saves money by being nice, and lastly, Make Smarter Decisions asks how you'd pay for $4200 in car repairs in one week!

    Video of the week

    Curious about how much money we spend to live full-time in our Airstream? Check out our video below.

    Coming up in the week ahead on ThinkSaveRetire: On Monday, I'm getting into politics on the blog! Well, not really. Okay, kinda. Just sorta. I'm skirting around the elections, putting all this nonsense into perspective. And on Wednesday, I'm talking about how to make a $100 bill worth a whole hell of a lot of money.

    Thanks for reading, and cheers to another financially productive week ahead!

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    Steve Adcock

    774 posts

    Steves a 38-year-old early retiree who writes about the intersection of happiness and financial independence.